- Presentations Econ Reading Group:
- Learning and Trust in Auction Markets by Jalay, Nekipelov, and Tardos (2018) - Slides
- Impact of Implementing Squashing factors in Generalized Second Price Auctions (2018) - Slides
- Introduction Structural Estimation of Markov Decision Processes (2017) - Slides
- What Makes Them Click: Empirical Analysis of Consumer Demand for Search Advertising by Jeziorski and Segal (2017) - Slides
- Estimation of a Dynamic Auction Game (2016) - Slides
- Introduction to Auction Design (2015) - Slides
- Introduction to Empirical Analysis of Auctions: Part II (2015) - Slides
- Introduction to Empirical Analysis of Auctions: Part I (2015) - Slides
- Introduction to Discrete Choice Models (2014) - Slides